СГГ-20Микро – portable flammable gas alarm
АНКАТ-7631Микро – portable toxic gas and oxygen gas analyzer
АНКАТ-7631Микро-ФИД – portable gas analyzer with photo ionization detector
АНКАТ-7664Микро - individual multi-component gas analyzer
АНКАТ-64М3 - individual multi-component gas analizer of flammebale and toxic gases
Thermochemical gas alarms - ДАТ-М
ДАМ - thermomagnetic gas analyzers
Electrochemical gas analyzers ДАХ-М
Infrared gas analyzer ДАК
ДАФ-М - photoionized gas analyzers
СТМ-30М - fixed flammable gas alarm
Power supply and alarm unit БПС-21М3
АНКАТ-7631Микро (RP) – individual gas analyzer of rocket propellants (RP) vapors
ДАРТ - rocket propellants gas analyzer
СГГ10-Б – flammable gas alarm for household use
СОУ1 - carbon oxide gas alarm СО
КЭГ-9720 - electromagnetic gas valves
АНКАТ-310 - portable multi-component gas analyzer for optimization of combustion processes
Flammable gas leak detector – ИТ-М Микро
СГГ-6М - fixed flammable gas alarm
СТГ-1 - toxic and flammable gas alarm
БПС-3 – power supply and alarm unit
Gas alarm СТГ-3 - loop gas alarm of toxic and flammable gases
Process gas chromatograph– ХРОМАТ-900-7
ГАММА-100А - multifunctional gas analyzer of multi-component mixtures
Oxygen analyzer АКВТ-01, -02, -03 – fixed gas analyzer for optimization of combustion processes
ГАММА-100 - multifunctional gas analyzer of multi-component mixtures
ГТВ-1101ВЗ-А - fixed explosion-proof hydrogen gas analyzer (atomic version)
Fixed hydrogen gas analyzer – ГТВ-1101М-А
ГТМ-5101ВЗ-А - fixed oxygen gas analyzer (atomic version)
Oxygen gas analyzer (atomic version) ГТМ-5101М-А
АНКАТ-500 - fixed gas analyzer of oxygen trace concentrations
АНКАТ-410 – fixed multi-component gas analyzer of industrial emissions
ПИКП-Т - fixed device for monitoring of dust concentration in gas streams (dust counter)
КГО (Set of Gas Analysis Equipment) - gas analysis system for process and ecological monitoring