ГАММА-100 - multifunctional gas analyzer of multi-component mixtures
Data on equipment
- process and ecological monitoring
- measurement of one, two or three components: carbon oxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrogen oxide (NO), sulfur dioxide (SO2), oxygen (O2), hydrogen (H2), nitrogen (N2), helium (He) in binary and multi-component mixtures
- temperature from +5 to +45 оС
- digital indication
- self-diagnostics with output of its results onto display
- output of data via RS 232, RS 485 and Ethernet
- Description
- Characteristics
- Documentation
- Certificates
- Accessories
Gas analyzer type - fixed
Version – general purpose industrial, for installation in non-explosive areas
Sampling – forced (flow rate pump is not a component of the device)
Principle of operation:
СО, СН4, NO, SO2 – optical-acoustic
СО2 – optical-acoustic and thermoconductometric
Н2, N2, Не – thermoconductometric
О2 – thermomagnetic and thermoconductometric
Designed for measurement of one, two or three components: carbon oxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrogen oxide (NO), sulfur dioxide (SO2), oxygen (O2), hydrogen (H2), nitrogen (N2), helium (He) in binary and multi-component mixtures.
- in automated process control systems in ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, cement and glass industries
- at brick and ceramics manufacturing plants, in chemical and petrochemical industries, at combined heat and power plants and state district power stations, boiler plants, etc.
Distinctive features:
- simultaneous measurement of up to 3 components
- one maximum permissible moisture content and flow rate for all sensor types, which allows to simplify sample preparation system
- temperature and moisture compensation that significantly increases readings consistency
- interval between calibrations for thermoconductometric and infrared sensors is extended up to 30 days, for thermomagnetic – up to 6 months (for a number of scales)
- interferences of measured components is taken into account (for multi-channel instruments)
- additional enclosure with protection degree IР65 and heating
- digital signal processing
- user-friendly menu
- self-diagnostics with output of its results onto display
- two programmable thresholds (for excess and drop)
- powerful threshold relays 250 V, 2,5 А
- sound alarm
- RS232, RS485, Ethernet digital outputs
Functional capabilities:
- Functional capabilities
- Generation of unified output current signal proportional to analyte concentration
- Generation of text and light alarm indicating that analyte concentration exceeds or drops below threshold values
- Commutation of external circuits with two groups of switching relay contacts (“dry contacts”) for automatic actuating device switching-on (-off) upon alarm actuation indicating that the measured component has reached the set threshold values (excess or drop)
- Output of data on measured component concentration in a digital form via RS 232, RS 485 and Ethernet (depending on version).
- In addition to the option of concentration reading on main channels, gas analyzer also has an option of control via RS 232 (RS 485) communication channel, i.e.:
- adjustment of scale initial value;
- thresholds setting.
- задание порогов.
ПГС - поверочные газовые смеси
Поверочные газовые смеси (ПГС) – государственные стандартные образцы (ГСО), эталоны, предназначенные для проведения корректировки показаний и поверки газоанализаторов.
ИР - индикаторы расхода
Предназначены для визуального наблюдения за расходом газовой смеси (ПГС-ГСО) определнной величины, обозначенной риской.
Вентили ВТР, ВЗ, ВР
Предназначены для регулировки расхода газовой смеси, подаваемой из баллона ПГС-ГСО на газоанализатор (штуцер под ПВХ).
ИРР - индикаторы-регуляторы расхода
Предназначены для визуального наблюдения за наличием расхода газовой смеси (ПГС-ГСО) определенной величины, обозначенной риской, а также изменение расхода пробы с помощью регулятора.