ГТВ-1101ВЗ-А - fixed explosion-proof hydrogen gas analyzer (atomic version)

Data on equipment


  • process monitoring at nuclear power plants
  • continuous measurement of hydrogen volume fraction in process gas mixtures (nitrogen or air)
  • temperature from +5 to +50 оС
  • from 1 to 4 measuring channels
  • protection degree - IP 65


  • Description
  • Characteristics
  • Documentation
  • Certificates
  • Accessories


Gas analyzer type - fixed
Sampling – diffusion or forced
Principle of operation - thermoconductometric
Version – atomic

Designed for of hydrogen volume fraction in process gas mixtures (nitrogen or air).


Application: control of technological processes at nuclear power plants.



Distinctive features

  • gas analyzers belong to elements of normal operation controlling systems of (NOCS), class 3Н according to ПН АЭ Г-01-011-97
  • all gas analyzers ГТВ-1101ВЗ-А and auxiliary equipment for them pass acceptance of the Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision (Rostekhnadzor)
  • gas analyzer is the device of modular configuration that consists of measuring transducer (MT) and remote primary measuring transducers (PMT), distance between which is 300 m at most
  • depending on version gas analyzers can have 1 or up to 4 measuring channels









БП-1/БП-1-А (атомное исполнение) – блок пробоподготовки (ИБЯЛ.418311.023/418311.048)

Предназначены для подачи газовой смеси на газоанализатор, очистки ее от механических примесей, обеспечения визуального контроля расхода.

Recommended equipment