СТМ-30М - fixed flammable gas alarm
Data on equipment
- monitoring of pre-explosive concentrations of flammable gases, vapors and their mixtures in the air of working
- monitoring of pre-explosive concentrations of catalyst poisons (dichloroethane and vinyl chloride)
- digital indication
- more 140 monitored substances
- mounting on DIN-rail of versions ТН35-7,5 and ТН35-15 according to ГОСТ Р 60715-2003
- monitoring of pre-explosive concentrations at temperature from -60 to +180 оС
- availability of certificate of Russian Maritime Registry of Shipping
- Description
- Characteristics
- Documentation
- Certificates
- Accessories
Type of gas analyzer – fixed
Principle of operation – thermochemical
Sampling - diffusion/forced
Content of gas alarm:
- alarm and power supply unit БСП;
- sensor unit БД (on order);
- remote sensor ВД (on order).
Designed for continuous automatic monitoring of pre-explosive concentrations of flammable gases, vapors and their mixtures in the air of working area and alarm generation when the preset threshold values are exceeded.
- in process of oil and gas production
- during oil and gas transportation
- at gas and oil processing facilities
- at gas stations
- at petroleum storage depots and warehouses of fuels and lubricants
- at paint areas
- on tankers and other vessels of river and sea transport
- on floating and fixed drilling platforms
Distinctive features:
- mounting on DIN-rail of versions ТН35-7,5 and ТН35-15 according to ГОСТ Р 60715-2003
- possibility to monitor pre-explosive concentrations at temperature from -60 to +180 оС
- more 140 monitored substances
- possibility to monitor pre-explosive concentrations of catalyst poisons (dichloroethane and vinyl chloride)
- possibility of calibration on hexane for heavy fractions monitoring
- possibility of multichannel systems generation (in this case data is transferred through the digital channel RS485, it allows to avoid interference)
- explosion protection type d or I (depending on the version)
- filters – absorbers of deleterious substances and catalyst poisons, and also programmable logic controller «ОВЕН ПЛК-73» designed for data acquisition from gas alarm, their processing and storage are supplied on special order
ПГС - поверочные газовые смеси
Поверочные газовые смеси (ПГС) – государственные стандартные образцы (ГСО), эталоны, предназначенные для проведения корректировки показаний и поверки газоанализаторов.
ИР - индикаторы расхода
Предназначены для визуального наблюдения за расходом газовой смеси (ПГС-ГСО) определнной величины, обозначенной риской.
Вентили ВТР, ВЗ, ВР
Предназначены для регулировки расхода газовой смеси, подаваемой из баллона ПГС-ГСО на газоанализатор (штуцер под ПВХ).
ИРР - индикаторы-регуляторы расхода
Предназначены для визуального наблюдения за наличием расхода газовой смеси (ПГС-ГСО) определенной величины, обозначенной риской, а также изменение расхода пробы с помощью регулятора.