Oxygen analyzer АКВТ-01, -02, -03 – fixed gas analyzer for optimization of combustion processes
- Description
- Characteristics
- Documentation
- Certificates
- Accessories
Gas analyzer type - fixed
Principle of operation - electrochemical (based on ZrO2) and thermocatalytic (based on СО)
Sampling - diffusion (АКВТ-01, АКВТ-02); forced (АКВТ-03)
Designed for measuring of oxygen volume fraction (АКВТ-01, -02) or oxygen and carbon monoxide (АКВТ-03) and alarm generation indicating that the set threshold values has reached for optimization of combustion processes, support optimal fuel-air ratio and prevention of chemical underburning.
- АКВТ-01, АКВТ-03 (general purpose industrial version) - at heat power plants, in boiler units of heat power stations
- АКВТ-02 (explosion-proof version) – installation in hazardous areas on incinerators of oil refinery and similar objects
Distinctive features
- immersion sensor
- gas analyzer operates without reference gas
- current output for automatic control with the possibility to set a range using software
- service life of sensor - 5 years
- programmable thresholds
- use of gas analyzer without sample preparation unit
- wide temperature range
- explosion-proof version
- in АКВТ-03 max length of connection cable between power supply and processing unit (PSPU) and sensors unit (SU) not more 50 m
- in АКВТ-01 separation of PSPU and probe at a distance up to 125 m (on separate order)
- gas analyzer is powered from AC mains of voltage 220 V, 50 Hz
- warm-up time not more 4 h
- all versions of gas analyzer have “dry” relay contacts (220 V, 2,5 А), unified current signals (0 - 5) and (4 - 20) mА and communication channel RS 485 MODBUS.RTU for connection of external devices (PC).
Gas analyzers consist of:
- АКВТ-01: power supply and processing unit (PSPU) and probe fixed on chassis
- АКВТ-02: monoblock with probe immersed in gas flow
- АКВТ-03: power supply and processing unit (PSPU) and sensors unit (SU)
Technical description for fixed gas analyzers of combustion modes optimization АКВТ
PDF (299Kb)
Technical description for fixed gas analyzers of combustion modes optimization АКВТ
PDF (299Kb)
БП-1/БП-1-А (атомное исполнение) – блок пробоподготовки (ИБЯЛ.418311.023/418311.048)
Предназначены для подачи газовой смеси на газоанализатор, очистки ее от механических примесей, обеспечения визуального контроля расхода.