Flammable gas leak detector – ИТ-М Микро
- Description
- Characteristics
- Documentation
- Certificates
- Accessories
Type of detector – individual
Sampling – by diffusion
Principle of operation - thermochemical
Designed for detection of leakage points of liquefied (according to ГОСТ 20448-90) and natural (according to ГОСТ 5524-87) gases, hydrogen, ammonia, hydrocarbons and khladons.
- open sites and premises of gas production and transportation facilities, energy and other branches of industry
- objects of gas supply facility, basements, wells
- in motor transport services for inspection of automotive gas equipment
Distinctive features
- provides continuous measuring of liquefied (according to ГОСТ 20448-901) and natural (according to ГОСТ 5524-87) gases and generation of light and sound alarm if they reach the set threshold values
- ИТ-М Микро provides indication increase (decrease) of flammable gases concentration in monitored medium in regard to the level accepted conventionally as zero level (background level)
- detector consists of enclosure and thermochemical sensor unit placed on the bar; cable length between sensor and enclosure – 1,5 m (manufacturing of leak detector with embedded sensor is possible on special order)
ПГС - поверочные газовые смеси
Поверочные газовые смеси (ПГС) – государственные стандартные образцы (ГСО), эталоны, предназначенные для проведения корректировки показаний и поверки газоанализаторов.
ИР - индикаторы расхода
Предназначены для визуального наблюдения за расходом газовой смеси (ПГС-ГСО) определнной величины, обозначенной риской.
Вентили ВТР, ВЗ, ВР
Предназначены для регулировки расхода газовой смеси, подаваемой из баллона ПГС-ГСО на газоанализатор (штуцер под ПВХ).