Gas alarm СТГ-3 - loop gas alarm of toxic and flammable gases
- Description
- Characteristics
- Documentation
- Certificates
- Accessories
Principle of operation - electrochemical or thermochemical
Type of gas alarm - fixed
Sampling – by diffusion
Mode of operation - continuous
Designed to ensure the safety of personnel of household, administrative, public and industrial enterprises from the harmful effects of the gas environment (poisoning with toxic gas, excess / lack of oxygen, the risk of detonating explosive mixtures)
- monitoring of atmosphere of community premises equipped with heating systems, cooling installations, garages and autoparkings, heat and power engineering facilities, collectors and tunnels
- utilities and other industrial objects, where leakage of toxic and flammable gases are possible
Distinctive features
- loop connection of sensors (four-wire line for 2 threshold systems, three-wire line for 1 threshold systems)
- possibility of simultaneous monitoring of toxic and flammable gases in voluntary combination
- possibility of connection on one loop to БПС-3 up to 16 sensors for PEC (pre-explosive concentration) or 30 sensors for MPC of working area or sensors combination (calculated on consumed power)
- possibility to transfer data on concentration of measured gases through RS485 indicating sensor address for СТГ-3-И
- length of communication line up to 1 000 m
- light (for all) and sound (for СТГ-3-И) alarm in place of sensors installation
- warranty 36 months
- sensor demounting without violation of loops integrity
- connection boxes КСГ and КСГИ allow to calibrate gas alarms by means of key «iButton» without demounting of gas alarms from the place of installation
- on special order СТГ-3-И can be manufactured without sound alarm, and also with use of clamping screw of unstainable metals. This function is applied at the objects with increased corrosive medium (poultry factories, pig complexes etc.)
When buying gas alarm СТГ-3 it is required to buy Connection box, that is not included in delivery set of the device.
Technicak description for loop gas alarm of toxic and flammable gases СТГ-3
PDF (164 Kb)
Technicak description for loop gas alarm of toxic and flammable gases СТГ-3
PDF (164 Kb)
ПГС - поверочные газовые смеси
Поверочные газовые смеси (ПГС) – государственные стандартные образцы (ГСО), эталоны, предназначенные для проведения корректировки показаний и поверки газоанализаторов.
ИР - индикаторы расхода
Предназначены для визуального наблюдения за расходом газовой смеси (ПГС-ГСО) определнной величины, обозначенной риской.
Коробка соединительная КС (ИБЯЛ.4264979.045)
Для сигнализаторов газа шлейфовых СТГ-3