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Food production, processing and storage

Process of providing population with alimentary products is multi-component and dramatically various in terms of time and space. In many stages of this process various gas-analysis equipment is used. Its simple description can be divided into three steps:
- Production and storage of raw materials (agriculture and animal breeding);
- Processing of raw materials (production of alimentary products);
- Storage of ready-made food.
Production of raw materials:
- Animal breeding:
- Nowadays huge stockbreeding complexes are built for mass breeding of poultry (chickens, turkeys etc.) and animals (swine, cows etc.). Climatic conditions in our country impose special requirements on heating of such large areas, which is performed with the use of gas fuel. To provide safety in stockbreeding complexes it is necessary to install devices for continuous monitoring of pre-explosive concentrations of natural gas. For the purpose of prevention of cattle loss because of asphyxia (carbon oxide) and ammonia poisoning (from waste products) it is necessary to install devices for continuous monitoring of maximum permissible concentrations of carbon oxide and ammonia in working area;
- For fish breeding it is necessary to create as favorable as possible conditions for its rise and reproduction so that to prevent mass mortality because of lack of oxygen dissolved in water; for this purpose periodic monitoring of dissolved oxygen content and of water temperature in the pond is carried out;
- Agriculture:
- When grain is stored in silos (granaries and elevators) it is necessary to prevent self-heating so that it would not cause ignition of grain and destruction of the granary. The most essential note is carbon dioxide emission (CO2). For periodic monitoring of this parameter portable gas analyzers are used;
- Short-life fruits (bananas, oranges etc.) are stored in CO2 atmosphere. To ensure safety of maintenance staff in such storages, continuous monitoring of maximum permissible concentrations of CO2 in working area is performed.
Processing of raw materials (production of alimentary products):
- Liqueurs and spirits production:
- It is necessary to install devices for continuous monitoring of pre-explosive concentrations of flammable gases in brew-purification and discharge departments, spirit storage depots, in department where spirits are diluted with water, and also in racking rooms;
- Brewing and carbonated beverages production:
- It is necessary to perform continuous monitoring of maximum permissible concentrations of CO2 in working area to ensure safety of personnel in shop for fermentation and after-fermentation and in shop for carbon dioxide production;
- If prepared carbon dioxide in cylinders is used, it is necessary to perform continuous monitoring of maximum permissible concentrations of CO2 in working area in storage depot;
- To provide long-term storage of brewed (“live”) beer it is packed with the use of protective atmosphere using CO2 and N2 (nitrogen) mixture; gas analyzer located in proportioning plant performs control of parameters of this mixture;
- Flour production:
- In the process of grain milling a lot of explosive fine dust is generated. To prevent formation of dust clouds and dust ignition (that may have a disastrous effect and lead to complete destruction of the construction unit) various measures are taken including the use of portable equipment for repeatable measurements of dust content in the air of working area;
- Industrial gas purification in production process is carried out by means of a bag filter plant. For control of such plant functioning and for early detection of bag filter integrity damage (for reducing the cost of maintenance and ensuring safety of service) dust counters with different operating principles are used.
- Sugar production:
- When limewater is prepared (burning of coke and limestone mixture), for improvement of effectiveness of technological process it is necessary to control CO2 content in exhaust gases in limits 0—50 vol. %.
- Vegetable oil production:
- For oil production organic solvent nefras is used, its vapor is explosive and it is necessary to perform continuous monitoring of pre-explosive concentrations of nefras vapor.
Storage of ready-made food
Ready-made foods of all types are stored in large-scale refrigerating complexes before they are sent to shops, and directly in industrial plants producing foods (e.g. milk plants, meat packing plants etc.). Necessity to control some gases is determined by the type of the installed refrigerating plant (or, to be more exact, by the type of cooling agent):
- For plants using ammonia (poison gas) as a cooling agent it is necessary:
- To perform continuous monitoring of maximum permissible concentrations of ammonia in working area where refrigerating plants are installed and in surrounding areas;
- Personnel must use portable devices for control of maximum permissible concentrations of ammonia in working area;
- Maintenance personnel must use leak detectors for search of ammonia leakages in the installed equipment;
- For plants using different types of freons and khladons (not hazardous to health but actively displace oxygen) as a cooling agent it is necessary:
- To perform continuous monitoring of oxygen content in the air of working area where refrigerating plants are located;
- Personnel must use portable devices for monitoring of oxygen content in the air of working area;
- Maintenance personnel must use leak detectors for search of freon/khladon leakages in the installed equipment.
“Analitpribor” products used in production of raw materials:
- Continuous monitoring of maximum permissible concentrations of CO, NH3, in working area and pre-explosive concentrations of natural gas in poultry-houses and stockbreeding complexes – gas alarms СТГ-3 with power supply units БПС-3
- Monitoring of CO2 in silos for grain ignition prevention – АНКАТ-7664Mикро
- Continuous monitoring of maximum permissible concentrations of CO2 in working area where short-life fruits are stored – gas analyzers ДАК-CO2 with power supply unit БПС-21M
- Individual device for monitoring of maximum permissible concentrations of CO2 in working area – АНКАТ-7664Mикро-10, scale 0—2 vol. %
“Analitpribor” products used in primary material processing (alimentary products production):
- Monitoring of pre-explosive concentrations of flammable gases at all stages of production, storage and processing of spirits (alcohol production) – СТМ-30М for areas up to 1000 m2; gas alarms ДАТ-М with power supply units БПС-21M for areas over1000 m2
- Continuous monitoring of maximum permissible concentrations of CO2 in working area at all stages of CO2 production and storage – gas analyzers ДАК-CO2 with power supply unit БПС-21M3
- Individual device for control of maximum permissible concentrations of CO2 in working area – АНКАТ-7664Mикро-10, scale 0—2 vol. %
- Continuous monitoring of CO2 and N2 mixture composition or protective atmosphere – ГАММА-100
- Continuous monitoring of bag filters integrity and early detection of possible mass dust emission into atmosphere (mass concentration) – dust counter ПИКП-Т
- Continuous monitoring of CO2 concentration for sugar production – set of gas-analysis equipment forming a part of ГАММА-100 and sample preparation elements
- Continuous monitoring of pre-explosive concentrations of nefras in vegetable oil production – СТМ-30М
“Analitpribor” products used for storage of ready-made foods:
- Continuous monitoring of maximum permissible concentrations of ammonia in working area of ammonia refrigerating plants and in surrounding areas – gas analyzers ДАХ-М with power supply units БПС-21M; for areas over 1000—2000 m2 system СКАПО is recommended
- Individual device for control of ammonia in working area – АНКАТ-7631Mикро
- Continuous monitoring of oxygen content in the air of working area where freon and khladon refrigerating plants are installed – gas alarms СТГ-3 with power supply units БПС-3
- Individual device for control of O2 content in the air of working area – АНКАТ-7631Mикро