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Branched network of water supply and sewers (drinking water supply and waste water disposal), boiler houses with various capacities (heating and hot water) is created to deliver utilities to our country’s population living in cities and villages, apartment buildings and private houses, to small and medium-sized industrial enterprises and national economic assets.
In boiler houses gas-analysis equipment is used for solving the following tasks:
- Continuous monitoring of carbon oxide concentration and of natural gas leakages in boiler houses with generation of warning alarm, emergency shutoff of gas supply and/or exhaust ventilation activation.
- Continuous monitoring of operating efficiency of boiler plant by means of tracking oxygen content in exhaust gases;
- Periodic adjustment of operation of boiler and burners performed in accordance with the content of O2, CO (for boiler houses operating from natural gas), NO and SO2 (for boiler houses operating from coal and mazut) in exhaust gases;
- Periodic monitoring of gas fittings hermeticity and search for natural gas leakages;
- Shutoff of gas supply in case of fire.
For housing sector and private houses the following gas-analysis equipment is used:
- Continuous monitoring of natural gas leakages in the kitchen and shutoff of gas in case leakage is detected;
- Shutoff of gas supply in case of fire;
- Continuous monitoring of carbon oxide content in the garage and spaces where there are sources of open flame, e.g. fireplaces, with generation of warning audible and light alarm (ventilation activation – for garage);
- Creation of monitoring systems for detection of natural gas leakages in apartments and in entrance halls of apartment buildings with automatic shutoff of gas in case of leakage detection and information output to the central control room (to housing maintenance office, facility manager and/or Emergency Control Ministry officer).
Natural gas supply to dwelling houses and boiler houses is performed by means of a branched gas network that serves for solving the following tasks:
- Adding specific scent to natural gas (clean natural gas has neither smell, nor color) so that consumer could quickly and naturally (without use of special technical means) detect leakage. For this purpose an odorant (mercaptan) is added to clean gas; gas/odorant ratio (odorant concentration) must be monitored;
- Control of natural gas odorization adequacy is performed by means of periodic inspections of the gas smell level in places of end use (apartments) and node points of gas distribution network;
- Periodic monitoring of gas network integrity and search for gas leakages.
Organizations charged with operation of house plumbing systems use gas-analysis equipment for solving the following tasks:
- Continuous monitoring of gas composition of the air in working area of sewage pumping stations. Usually it is necessary to measure pre-explosive concentrations of flammable gases and maximum permissible concentrations of CO, H2S, seldom NH3, in working area and also excess/lack of oxygen (O2);
- Continuous monitoring of maximum permissible concentrations of chlorine in working area of chlorination plants and chlorine storages;
- Periodic monitoring of gas atmosphere during emergency repair and restoration service activities performed by plumbers descending to wells, chambers, reservoirs and collectors;
- Periodic monitoring of activity of hydrogen ions (pH) in the water from the water supply point;
- Periodic monitoring of oxygen dissolved in water of sewage disposal plant.
“Analitpribor” products used for boiler houses operation:
- Continuous monitoring of carbon oxide concentration and natural gas leakages in the area of a boiler house:
- CO control in the areas up to 200 m2 – СОУ1;
- CH4 control in the areas up to 100 m2 – СГГ-6М with valve КЭГ-9720;
- Simultaneous monitoring of CO and CH4 in the areas up to 200 m2 – СТГ-1 with valve КЭГ-9720;
- Simultaneous monitoring of CO and CH4 in the areas over 200 m2 – several devices СОУ1 and СГГ-6Мor СТГ-1 with valve КЭГ-9720;
- Simultaneous monitoring of CO and CH4 in the areas over 200 m2 with signal output to the common control room – several devices СОУ1 and СГГ-6Мor СТГ-1 with valve КЭГ-9720 and control desk ДИСП; or gas alarms СТГ-3 and power supply unit БПС-3 with valve КЭГ-9720
- Search for natural gas leakages – ИТ-М Микро
“Analitpribor” products used in housing sector and private houses:
- Continuous monitoring of natural gas leakages in the kitchen and shutoff of gas supply in case gas leakage is detected – СГГ-10Б with valves КЭГ-9720
- Shutoff of gas supply in case of fire – thermal shut-off valve КТЗ
- Continuous monitoring of carbon oxide content in the garage and in the areas where sources of open flame are present – СОУ-1
- Monitoring systems for detection of natural gas leakages in apartments and entrance halls of apartment buildings – СГГ-10Б with valves КГДЭУ and data acquisition and transfer unit БСП-РК
“Analitpribor” products used in branched gas network:
- Search for natural gas leakages — ИТ-М Микро
- Portable device for control of pre-explosive concentrations of methane for the use by emergency repair team – СГГ-20Микро
“Analitpribor” products used by organizations charged with operation of plumbing systems:
- Continuous monitoring of gas content in the air of working area of sewage pumping stations – СТГ-3 with power supply units БПС-3
- Continuous monitoring of maximum permissible concentrations of chlorine in working area of chlorination plants and chlorine storages – СТГ-3 for chlorine detection with power supply unitsБПС-3
- Periodic monitoring of gas atmosphere during emergency repair and restoration services activities – АНКАТ-7664Микро